1. Matt Larson からの通告

(1) .com/.net/.edu のドメインでDNS検索できなくなる可能性が発生することへの警告

(2) 使用停止になったドメインにたいするNSレコードに付随するglueレコードが authoritative に格上げされていた(不良)のをやめる。

[dns-operations] Upcoming DNS behavior changes to .com/.net/.edu name servers
Matt Larson mlarson at verisign.com
Fri Jan 8 15:52:56 UTC 2010

(Apologies in advance that some of you will see multiple copies of
this message on various lists.)

On March 1, 2010, VeriSign will be making two changes that affect the
behavior of the authoritative name servers for the .com, .net and .edu
zones ([a-m].gtld-servers.net).  The changes are a prerequisite for
deploying DNSSEC in these three zones beginning in 2010.
Because of the widespread use of .com and .net, and because resolution
of some domains might be affected, we'd like to notify the community
in advance about these changes.

The two changes are:

  1. New referral behavior ../Matt Larson-1

  2. Glue no longer promoted to authoritative status ../Matt Larson-2

Matt Larson


(Two lists of domains follow.)

.com/.net というのはこういうことすらやってなかった。-- ToshinoriMaeno 2010-01-12 02:29:55