1. Letsencrypt/certbot/UserGuide
1.1. DNS plugins
If you’d like to obtain a wildcard certificate from Let’s Encrypt or run certbot on a machine other than your target webserver, you can use one of Certbot’s DNS plugins.
These plugins are not included in a default Certbot installation and must be installed separately.
They are available in many OS package managers, as Docker images, and as snaps.
Visit https://certbot.eff.org to learn the best way to use the DNS plugins on your system.
Once installed, you can find documentation on how to use each plugin at:
certbot-dns-cloudflare certbot-dns-cloudxns certbot-dns-digitalocean certbot-dns-dnsimple certbot-dns-dnsmadeeasy certbot-dns-gehirn certbot-dns-google certbot-dns-linode certbot-dns-luadns certbot-dns-nsone certbot-dns-ovh certbot-dns-rfc2136 certbot-dns-route53 certbot-dns-sakuracloud
1.2. Renewal
Renewal with the manual plugin
Certificates created using --manual do not support automatic renewal unless combined with an authentication hook script via /--manual-auth-hook to automatically set up the required HTTP and/or TXT challenges.