$ dig www.city.nerima.tokyo.jp @ ; <<>> DiG 9.12.3 <<>> www.city.nerima.tokyo.jp @ ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 15355 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 6, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1 ;; OPT PSEUDOSECTION: ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ;www.city.nerima.tokyo.jp. IN A ;; ANSWER SECTION: www.city.nerima.tokyo.jp. 300 IN CNAME 0834a09e7a11c2a570f80582917c55c5.cdnext.stream.ne.jp. 0834a09e7a11c2a570f80582917c55c5.cdnext.stream.ne.jp. 300 IN CNAME cdnext-svg001-ipb000.stream.ne.jp. cdnext-svg001-ipb000.stream.ne.jp. 30 IN A cdnext-svg001-ipb000.stream.ne.jp. 30 IN A cdnext-svg001-ipb000.stream.ne.jp. 30 IN A cdnext-svg001-ipb000.stream.ne.jp. 30 IN A ;; Query time: 475 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: 金 1月 04 16:17:20 JST 2019 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 216
1. log
[00000.00][plan] plan 'www.city.nerima.tokyo.jp.' type 'A' uid [15355.00] [15355.00][iter] 'www.city.nerima.tokyo.jp.' type 'A' new uid was assigned .01, parent uid .00 [15355.01][cach] => skipping unfit NS RR: rank 002, new TTL -373726 [15355.01][cach] => no NSEC* cached for zone: . [15355.01][cach] => skipping zone: ., NSEC, hash 0;new TTL -123456789, ret -2 [15355.01][cach] => skipping zone: ., NSEC, hash 0;new TTL -123456789, ret -2 [15355.01][resl] => going insecure because there's no covering TA [15355.01][zcut] found cut: . (rank 020 return codes: DS -2, DNSKEY -2) [15355.01][resl] => id: '45398' querying: '' score: 116 zone cut: '.' qname: 'jP.' qtype: 'NS' proto: 'udp' [15355.01][iter] <= loaded 8 glue addresses [15355.01][iter] <= referral response, follow [15355.01][cach] => stashed jp. NS, rank 002, 110 B total, incl. 0 RRSIGs [15355.01][cach] => stashed also 15 nonauth RRsets [15355.01][resl] <= server: '' rtt: 108 ms [15355.01][iter] 'www.city.nerima.tokyo.jp.' type 'A' new uid was assigned .02, parent uid .00 [15355.02][resl] => id: '65033' querying: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' qname: 'TokyO.jP.' qtype: 'NS' proto: 'udp' [15355.02][iter] <= rcode: NOERROR [15355.02][iter] <= retrying with non-minimized name [15355.02][cach] => stashed packet: rank 020, TTL 900, NS tokyo.jp. (96 B) [15355.02][resl] <= server: '' rtt: 156 ms [15355.02][iter] 'www.city.nerima.tokyo.jp.' type 'A' new uid was assigned .03, parent uid .00 [15355.03][resl] => id: '00784' querying: '' score: 156 zone cut: 'jp.' qname: 'wWw.cIty.neRIMA.tokYO.jP.' qtype: 'A' proto: 'udp' [15355.03][iter] <= loaded 1 glue addresses [15355.03][iter] <= referral response, follow [15355.03][cach] => stashed city.nerima.tokyo.jp. NS, rank 002, 66 B total, incl. 0 RRSIGs [15355.03][cach] => stashed also 1 nonauth RRsets [15355.03][resl] <= server: '' rtt: 148 ms [15355.03][iter] 'www.city.nerima.tokyo.jp.' type 'A' new uid was assigned .04, parent uid .00 [15355.04][resl] => id: '58160' querying: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'city.nerima.tokyo.jp.' qname: 'Www.cItY.NeriMA.TOKYo.jP.' qtype: 'A' proto: 'udp' [15355.04][iter] <= rcode: NOERROR [15355.04][iter] <= cname chain, following [00000.00][plan] plan '0834a09e7a11c2a570f80582917c55c5.cdnext.stream.ne.jp.' type 'A' uid [15355.05] [15355.04][cach] => stashed www.city.nerima.tokyo.jp. CNAME, rank 020, 70 B total, incl. 0 RRSIGs [15355.04][resl] <= server: '' rtt: 9 ms [15355.05][iter] '0834a09e7a11c2a570f80582917c55c5.cdnext.stream.ne.jp.' type 'A' new uid was assigned .06, parent uid .00 [15355.06][cach] => no NSEC* cached for zone: jp. [15355.06][cach] => skipping zone: jp., NSEC, hash 0;new TTL -123456789, ret -2 [15355.06][cach] => skipping zone: jp., NSEC, hash 0;new TTL -123456789, ret -2 [15355.06][resl] => going insecure because there's no covering TA [15355.06][zcut] found cut: jp. (rank 002 return codes: DS -2, DNSKEY -2) [15355.06][resl] => id: '20609' querying: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' qname: '0834A09e7a11c2a570f80582917c55C5.CDNEXT.StreaM.nE.jP.' qtype: 'A' proto: 'udp' [15355.06][iter] <= loaded 3 glue addresses [15355.06][iter] <= referral response, follow [15355.06][cach] => stashed stream.ne.jp. NS, rank 002, 80 B total, incl. 0 RRSIGs [15355.06][cach] => stashed also 3 nonauth RRsets [15355.06][resl] <= server: '' rtt: 5 ms [15355.06][iter] '0834a09e7a11c2a570f80582917c55c5.cdnext.stream.ne.jp.' type 'A' new uid was assigned .07, parent uid .00 [15355.07][resl] => id: '48089' querying: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'stream.ne.jp.' qname: '0834a09e7a11C2A570F80582917C55c5.cDnexT.strEAm.nE.JP.' qtype: 'A' proto: 'udp' [15355.07][iter] <= referral response, follow [15355.07][cach] => stashed cdnext.stream.ne.jp. NS, rank 002, 74 B total, incl. 0 RRSIGs [15355.07][resl] <= server: '' rtt: 6 ms [15355.07][iter] '0834a09e7a11c2a570f80582917c55c5.cdnext.stream.ne.jp.' type 'A' new uid was assigned .08, parent uid .00 [15355.08][plan] plan 'ns4.stream.co.jp.' type 'A' uid [15355.09] [15355.09][iter] 'ns4.stream.co.jp.' type 'A' new uid was assigned .10, parent uid .08 [15355.10][cach] => no NSEC* cached for zone: jp. [15355.10][cach] => skipping zone: jp., NSEC, hash 0;new TTL -123456789, ret -2 [15355.10][cach] => skipping zone: jp., NSEC, hash 0;new TTL -123456789, ret -2 [15355.10][resl] => going insecure because there's no covering TA [15355.10][zcut] found cut: jp. (rank 002 return codes: DS -2, DNSKEY -2) [15355.10][resl] => id: '02937' querying: '' score: 11 zone cut: 'jp.' qname: 'CO.JP.' qtype: 'NS' proto: 'udp' [15355.10][iter] <= rcode: NOERROR [15355.10][iter] <= retrying with non-minimized name [15355.10][cach] => stashed packet: rank 020, TTL 900, NS co.jp. (95 B) [15355.10][resl] <= server: '' rtt: 4 ms [15355.10][iter] 'ns4.stream.co.jp.' type 'A' new uid was assigned .11, parent uid .08 [15355.11][resl] => id: '42664' querying: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'jp.' qname: 'ns4.sTReam.cO.Jp.' qtype: 'A' proto: 'udp' [15355.11][iter] <= loaded 3 glue addresses [15355.11][iter] <= referral response, follow [15355.11][cach] => stashed stream.co.jp. NS, rank 002, 74 B total, incl. 0 RRSIGs [15355.11][cach] => stashed also 3 nonauth RRsets [15355.11][resl] <= server: '' rtt: 6 ms [15355.11][iter] 'ns4.stream.co.jp.' type 'A' new uid was assigned .12, parent uid .08 [15355.12][resl] => id: '26638' querying: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'stream.co.jp.' qname: 'NS4.StREaM.CO.jP.' qtype: 'A' proto: 'udp' [15355.12][iter] <= rcode: NOERROR [15355.12][cach] => stashed ns4.stream.co.jp. A, rank 020, 20 B total, incl. 0 RRSIGs [15355.12][resl] <= server: '' rtt: 11 ms [15355.08][iter] '0834a09e7a11c2a570f80582917c55c5.cdnext.stream.ne.jp.' type 'A' new uid was assigned .13, parent uid .00 [15355.13][resl] => id: '27904' querying: '' score: 11 zone cut: 'cdnext.stream.ne.jp.' qname: '0834a09E7a11C2A570F80582917c55c5.cDnexT.StreAm.ne.JP.' qtype: 'A' proto: 'udp' [15355.13][iter] <= rcode: NOERROR [15355.13][iter] <= cname chain, following [00000.00][plan] plan 'cdnext-svg001-ipb000.stream.ne.jp.' type 'A' uid [15355.14] [15355.13][cach] => stashed 0834a09e7a11c2a570f80582917c55c5.cdnext.stream.ne.jp. CNAME, rank 020, 52 B total, incl. 0 RRSIGs [15355.13][resl] <= server: '' rtt: 11 ms [15355.14][iter] 'cdnext-svg001-ipb000.stream.ne.jp.' type 'A' new uid was assigned .15, parent uid .00 [15355.15][cach] => no NSEC* cached for zone: stream.ne.jp. [15355.15][cach] => skipping zone: stream.ne.jp., NSEC, hash 0;new TTL -123456789, ret -2 [15355.15][cach] => skipping zone: stream.ne.jp., NSEC, hash 0;new TTL -123456789, ret -2 [15355.15][resl] => going insecure because there's no covering TA [15355.15][zcut] found cut: stream.ne.jp. (rank 002 return codes: DS -2, DNSKEY -2) [15355.15][resl] => id: '47718' querying: '' score: 10 zone cut: 'stream.ne.jp.' qname: 'cDNexT-svG001-iPb000.STrEAm.ne.jp.' qtype: 'A' proto: 'udp' [15355.15][iter] <= rcode: NOERROR [15355.15][cach] => stashed cdnext-svg001-ipb000.stream.ne.jp. A, rank 020, 38 B total, incl. 0 RRSIGs [15355.15][resl] <= server: '' rtt: 11 ms [15355.15][resl] AD: request NOT classified as SECURE [15355.15][resl] finished: 0, queries: 4, mempool: 65600 B