1. 最初のtweet
https://twitter.com/zoho/status/1044249648993525760 Our http://Zoho.com domain is blocked and http://tierra.net our domain registrar is not responding. Can someone help us reach their senior executive team?
0:38 - 2018年9月25日
2. unlocked
- 返信先: @theashoxfordさん、@PASSPORTmagさん、@zohoさん
The issue here is that the domain http://Zoho.com got blocked (it seems unblocked now). 1:01 - 2018年9月25日
Sridhar Vembu @svembu 返信先: @AdasQuattroさん、@zohoさん、他
Yes, that is also being tried as we speak. The domain is unblocked as of now (but we are not sure why it was blocked in the first place, so until we understand it completely, I don't declare this is over). 1:14 - 2018年9月25日
Miguel Queiroz @Miguel_Queiroz 返信先: @emmareadvaさん、@svembuさん、他 what i can see from my side is that the A record for http://zoho.com is lost! So this can take depending on the TTL of the record some time to propagate? but maybe im wrong... 1:18 - 2018年9月25日
- 返信先: @zohocaresさん、@pnkajYadavさん、@zohoさん
dns is still not resolving are you sure you got it fixed?
- it can resolve from some servers but not all
1:41 - 2018年9月25日
dns-checkerへのリンクがあったから、特定のリゾルバーということではないようだ。-- ToshinoriMaeno 2018-09-28 11:32:14