

  knot 2.1.0

    Target:   linux-gnu x86_64
    Compiler: gcc -std=gnu99
    CFLAGS:   -g -O2 -Wall -Werror=format-security -Werror=implicit -fpredictive-commoning 
    LIBS:     -ldl -lpthread -lm  
    LibURCU:  -lurcu 
    GnuTLS:   -lgnutls -lnettle -I/usr/include/p11-kit-1
    Jansson:  -ljansson 
    LMDB:     shared  -llmdb 

    LibFuzzer: no

    Prefix:             /usr/local
    Run dir:            ${prefix}/var/run/knot
    Storage dir:        ${prefix}/var/lib/knot
    Config dir:         ${prefix}/etc/knot

    Knot DNS libraries:     yes
    Knot DNS daemon:        yes
    Knot DNS utils:         yes
    Knot DNS documentation: yes

    Use SO_REUSEPORT:    yes
    Fast zone parser:    yes
    Utilities with IDN:  yes
    Systemd integration: no
    Dnstap support:      no
    Code coverage:       no
    Bash completions:    no
    PKCS 11 support:     no

  Continue with 'make' command